Digital Audits

We offer a comprehensive analysis of your entire digital footprint. Our trained experts work systematically to scrape the internet to identify, repair, and strengthen your online digital legacy – before a problem arises. Our digital audit will provide reports, recommendations, and solution implementation of your: social media accounts, Google links & images, cell phone texts, and personal & business emails. Why wait for a problem to develop tomorrow when you can fix that negative link and image today. Read More

Press Generation

Our specialists have been in the writing business for generations. If you have a personal or business campaign that needs online exposure, Digital Legacy is the premium digital press generator. Digital Legacy has access to hundreds of reporters, writers, and content syndication networks globally. Our experienced management team will sit down with you and strategize about the best tactics to deliver the most optimal accretive results possible. Read More

Content Management

Digital Legacy’s veteran management team has founded and successfully exited premier media platforms that have generated tens of thousands of high-quality articles. Our content production capabilities can be applied to any project that demands writing. Some examples of the types of projects that our writers are fully trained to develop are: article generation, custom business plans, website structuring, blogging, & executive resume creation. The premium quality of our final products are essential to our clients, which is why our writers are U.S. Ivy League or Tier 1 University graduates.
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Wikipedia Consulting

What is your legacy? Attaining a Wikipedia profile represents the epitome acknowledgement of your lifelong digital accomplishments. Having a profile signals to the public instant credibility, success, and stature. To be “Wikipediable” is no easy task – otherwise everyone would have an account. Our experts help formulate and inscribe your digital legacy “into the books” for present and future generations to view. We amalgamate years of your accomplishments and help navigate the highly selective approval process through detailed strategic campaigning. Our Wikipedia profile experts are trained to get accomplished individuals the recognition they deserve. Read More